Managing Privacy and Data Security – Data Protection Officer (DPO-HSG)

An encompassing and up-to-date executive programme for professionals to develop their understanding of data protection law.
HSG Impact Space Kontur RGB
DPO Facial Recognition System concept 893141108 50Prozent e1663857514544
CAS / Zertifikat
hsg linie schwarz

Programme overview

Data protection matters have become a regular topic for SMEs as well as for executive committees in big companies. Due to the robustness of technical advancement and social change in response to digital transformation, the security of personal data is now a worldwide serious challenge. Combined with the increased data privacy demands of individuals, many Swiss companies acknowledge data privacy as a competitive advantage. The compromising of sensitive personal and also business data such as financial, intellectual property, and other privileged information is an event that no business wants to experience.

We offer an encompassing and up-to-date executive programme for professionals to develop their understanding of data protection law by looking at contemporary issues in daily lectures and interactive workshops.

As we ensure that the DPO-HSG Programme remains relevant to professional practice, we also look at the issues raised by common technologies and services such as AI, IoT, electronic communications, cloud computing, and mobile services, among many others.

Here, you can find all the speakers.

Next step

Are you interested in this programme? You have the opportunity to visit an info event to find out if this executive education fits you and your career planning:

Contact person

Learn more about the programme in a personal conversation.

1 Michelle Klaus UNI SG PORTRAIT 0112222068 INTERNET

Michelle Klaus Programm Managerin Law & Management

Programme details

Programme type

CAS / Zertifikat





Number of ECTS credits



15 days

Flexible entry



individually bookable


St.Gallen and online


CHF 12'900

Target group

Aufsichtsrat/Verwaltungsrat, Bereichsleitende, Fachspezialist/-in, High Potential, Höhere Führungskraft, Inhaber / Gründer, Unternehmensleitung

Next date

Start date: 17.02.2025
places available
Start date: 31.03.2025
places available
Start date: 15.09.2025
places available

Target Audience

This programme is aimed at individuals who are exposed to or engage with data protection topics on a regular basis and who wish to quickly gain a solid and comprehensive understanding of the field and deepen their expertise in a broad range of areas. It combines condensed training in the fundamentals of data protection and privacy law with a subsequent intensive learning phase in which participants gain further expertise.

Working in both the private sector and public administration, as there is no specific industry focus. This includes employees responsible for processing personal data and complying with data protection laws and standards.

Recommended for

  • Compliance and legal professionals
  • Data protection practitioners and specialists
  • DPO candidates or newly appointed DPOs
  • IT managers, officers and specialists
  • Information security managers, officers and specialists
  • Auditors and controllers
  • Marketing managers and professionals
  • Consultants
  • Managing directors
  • Risk management professionals


Programme Benefits

  • Recognised: collect ECTS points and expand your studies
  • Life-long-learning: stay up to date with regular refreshers
  • Networking: get to know your peers and learn about their challenges



Content & Faculty

Fundamentals of Data Protection (5 days)

In this interactive one-week programme, participants will learn the fundamentals and develop a comprehensive overview of data protection law and regulations. The learning is enhanced by looking at current issues and working on case studies as part of daily lectures and practical workshops. Expertise and self-confidence are increased when it comes to assessing data protection issues from different perspectives and discussing relevant challenges with experts.

Module 1 is ideal in particular for those with a non-legal background who are interested in building a quick and solid foundation in the area of data protection and privacy law. This module can be booked as a single module.

Privacy Governance und Management (5 days)

In this five-day module, participants will gain knowledge and expertise regarding the professional implementation of legal regulations and documentation processes. This module will introduce participants to best practices in privacy governance, the implementation of data subjects’ rights, strategic privacy management tools, the international transfer of personal data, and third party privacy management. They will also obtain practical information about how to set up processes for the management of privacy programmes and about how to handle data protection breaches in Switzerland and in the EU.

Digital Compliance and Ethics (5 days)

Participants will be familiarized with key concepts and principles of data security, data ethics, risk and business continuity frameworks, rules and standards. This module will provide information about electronic communication, digital applications, algorithmic regulations, security by design, security by default and data ethics.

Here you can find all the speakers.



ONLINE Information event: Data Protection Officer (DPO-HSG), 07.11.2024

via Zoom
Donnerstag, 07.11.2024
11:30 - 12:30
Mehr erfahren

ONLINE Information event: Data Protection Officer (DPO-HSG), 04.12.2024

via Zoom
Mittwoch, 04.12.2024
11:30 - 12:30
Mehr erfahren
hsg linie schwarz

Do you require further information?

I am gladly available for you and look forward to hearing from you.

1 Michelle Klaus UNI SG PORTRAIT 0112222068 INTERNET

Michelle Klaus Programm Managerin Law & Management

Why University of St.Gallen

The HSG - your partner for first-class executive education in Switzerland

At the University of St. Gallen (HSG), you can choose from one of the largest executive education portfolios in the German speaking region – the right programme for your needs and career objectives. The renowned quality and practical relevance of the learning experience convinces more than 6000 participants per year. Profit from an Executive Degree from St.Gallen – the best business school in the German-speaking world – and get ahead in your career!

  • For high-quality teaching and executive training by top researchers

  • For competent executives

  • For Lifelong Learning

  • For international collaborations

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