Could the idea of connecting with others possibly impact the pursuit of gender equality? In his HBR article, author and happiness advocate, Shawn Achor, sets out to determine whether women’s networking events can indeed move the needle on equality. Partnering with best-selling author, Michelle Gielan, and basing his research on US-based Conferences for Women, Achor seeks to put forth not only claims, but also data, to show the long-term effects of uniting women.

The findings revealed both positive financial and intellectual outcomes for women attending the conferences and actively connecting with others. Promotions, pay increases, feelings of heightened optimism and being more connected to others were observed. Achor adds that Conferences for Women founder, Laurie Dalton White, believes that making connections and building relationships helps women form an understanding of their worth, learn strategies to ask for promotions and seek fair pay.

Providing opportunities for connecting with other women and networking has always been a key component of the Women Back to Business Programme, and an essential element in strengthening WBB participants’ sense of worth, fostering valuable connections and achieving positive professional outcomes. The programme routinely enables networking among participants, thus providing women with the opportunity to connect in a ‘safe’ environment and regain confidence. This is particularly important for women seeking to return to the workforce after a longer family or personal leave.

Through its long-term relationship with partner companies who are committed to supporting women’s advancement in the workplace, the Women Back to Business Programme also offers participants the opportunity to connect with potential employers. This can be pivotal in helping women to connect with key company representatives, build a solid network and, ultimately, develop the skills needed to carve their career path and achieve equality in the workforce.

Connecting and networking with other women and potential employers remains a pillar of the WBB Programme and represents a fundamental element in enabling women to successfully pursue their professional goals and gender equality.


Source: HBR article: Harvard Business Review. Do Women’s Networking Events Move the Needle on Equality? Shawn Achor, February 13, 2018

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Executive School of Management, Technology and Law


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